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ROD Tokenomics

ROD Tokenomics
axe axe

1 234 567 890 ROD

Initial issue

21 000 000 000 000 ROD

Maximum allowable issue

ROD (prefix ROD) is an innovative token based on the UMI blockchain, which is the basis, foundation, center of the digital staking metaverse and the guiding star of many present and future cryptocurrency projects. The total ROD issuance is capped at 21 trillion tokens. Why 21 trillion exactly? ROD relies on the issuance of Bitcoin, the flagship of all cryptocurrencies.

The final issue of BTC is 21 mln

One bitcoin contains 100 million satoshis

1 satoshi is 0.00000001 BTC

21 million BTC times 100 million satoshis = 2.1 quadrillion

Thus, if we equate 21 million BTC with ROD tokens, the final ROD issuance would be 21 trillion.

The initial issuance at launch of the ROD token amounted to 1,234,567,890 tokens. These tokens, unlike many other projects, were not concentrated in the hands of one person. The tokens were fairly distributed among all participants of the friendly community.

ROD is a unique token in the history of the crypto market. For the first time, the entire initial issuance is in the hands of users, not the development team. The pre-main is not distributed to UMI developers, the ROD team, pools or exchanges. All initial issuance is used to reward users on behalf of steaking pools with unique GameFi and other projects.

Genesis block has the initial issuance described above, and there are NO additional ways to "print" new tokens other than staking. That is, ALL new tokens are only issued through the steaking process. Thus ANY person can become the issuing center of a new token.

In addition to rewarding users with ROD staking, ROD staking additionally generates 5% to pools for development (from the amount of staking in a particular pool), 3% per month to the ROD team for the development of the ROD token and metaverse (from the total amount of staking of all pools) and 2% to the UMI team for network maintenance (from the total amount of staking of all pools).

Staking percentage

Where the tokens are going

Staking percentage

Up to 10% per month of a particular user's steakage amount

Staking percentage

To the pool stakers (users).

Staking percentage

5% per month of the total amount of staking in a particular pool

Staking percentage

To the organizers of the staking pool to develop

Staking percentage

3% per month of the total amount of staking of all pools

Staking percentage

To the ROD team for token and metaverse development

Staking percentage

2% per month of the total amount of staking of all pools

Staking percentage

UMI's blockchain team

The result is complete balance, harmony and equality: 10% goes to users and 10% (5%+3%+2%) to all development teams involved in maintaining, improving, developing and popularizing ROD.

Once the total issuance reaches ROD 21 trillion, the staking will stop.

Thus, ROD is one of the most decentralized cryptocurrency ecosystems in the entire blockchain-industry, as the main issue of all tokens is in the hands of the community. At the same time, developers are rewarded to incentivize them to develop ROD's digital metaverse, making it more popular, more technologically advanced and better!

Slavic pattern Staking